Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why the Hiatus?

So over the last week I have been oddly not present on this blog, but I can assure that is for a great, some might say splendid reason. I have been working on my final project and have made some headway with it. My idea, to take a video, use FFMPEG to get frames of that video, let someone select a set amount of frames from said video, take those into Photoshop, greyscale all of them, and then save it as a gif. Kool right? Hopefully I will get the code done by tomorrow and then I can start running tests. Well thats all for now, till next time.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Catching Up

So over this last week I have been insanely busy, probably because it is the typical end of semester crunch time. Either way I didn't post last week because I was overloaded with papers and homework and Easter and all that other stuff that we love to do this time of year like study for finals :D So in an effort to make it up I am going to post a bunch of things in this post. First off on the one free day I had I ended up wasting it away playing Metro 2033.

And to tell you the truth I was really surprised by this game. When I had seen the previews of these games I thought it would be RPG open-ended like Fallout 3 but more realistic, but it turned out to be a mission shooter that was really quite fun. It also had the surprise scare tactic that really worked for the game as you fight your way through the subway system of a post apocalyptic Moscow. You find things that are far beyond normal, and something is coming to destroy you, it is you mission to save your home station. The other thing I found interesting over my week of busyness was I found this cool little script that makes a "Rainbow Worm", found here.


I really love these kind of things it is a nice lil way to look at scripting. Anyway that is the thing I did during the week I shall hate.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tron: The making of what made it special.

So in the following article we see jtnimoy talk about his work on the Tron Legacy movie and some of things artistically and creatively he did with the digital art aspects. It talks about what they programmed and made and kinda how they felt about the process an interesting look into the special effects world of movies and how some things work out and how to approach them. I love the renders you get to see for the "scoreboard element" those are just awesome!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bash-it to pieces! Part two!

So I finished my Bash Scripting tutorial! YAY! I still have to run it to see if it works in my home directory but I think I got it to work! YAY! Still having troubles forcing Cygwin to change my home directory.

             #first check for the various 'modes' that this program has
             #if the first ($1) condition matches then we execute that 
             #portion of the
             #program and then exit
             # check for the prefix condition
             if [ $1 = p ]; then
             #we now get rid of the mode ($1) variable and prefix ($2)
               prefix=$2 ; shift ; shift
             # a quick check to see if any files were given
             # if none then its better not to do anything than rename some 
             # non-existent
             # files!!
               if [$1 = ]; then
                  echo "no files given"
                  exit 0
             # this for loop iterates through all of the files that we gave the 
             # program
             # it does one rename per file given
               for file in $*
                 mv ${file} $prefix$file
             #we now exit the program
               exit 0
             # check for a suffix rename
             # the rest of this part is virtually identical to the previous section
             # please see those notes
             if [ $1 = s ]; then
               suffix=$2 ; shift ; shift
                if [$1 = ]; then
                 echo "no files given"
                exit 0
              for file in $*
                mv ${file} $file$suffix
              exit 0
             # check for the replacement rename
             if [ $1 = r ]; then
             # i included this bit as to not damage any files if the user does 
             # not specify
             # anything to be done
             # just a safety measure
               if [ $# -lt 3 ] ; then
                 echo "usage: renna r [expression] [replacement] files... "
                 exit 0
             # remove other information
               OLD=$1 ; NEW=$2 ; shift ; shift
             # this for loop iterates through all of the files that we give the program
             # it does one rename per file given using the program 'sed'
             # this is a sinple command line program that parses standard input and
             # replaces a set expression with a give string
             # here we pass it the file name ( as standard input) and replace the nessesary
             # text
               for file in $*
                 new=`echo ${file} | sed s/${OLD}/${NEW}/g`
                 mv ${file} $new
             exit 0
             # if we have reached here then nothing proper was passed to the program
             # so we tell the user how to use it
             echo "usage;"
             echo " renna p [prefix] files.."
             echo " renna s [suffix] files.."
             echo " renna r [expression] [replacement] files.."
             exit 0
             # done!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bash-it to pieces!

So after moving around in the Cygwin and having moved around and learning to script in perl in Linux I am getting really good with moving around using the terminal and am currently working on a script to re-name files as part of a tutorial.

#first check for the various 'modes' that this program has
             #if the first ($1) condition matches then we execute 
             #that portion of the
             #program and then exit
             # check for the prefix condition
             if [ $1 = p ]; then
             #we now get rid of the mode ($1) variable and prefix ($2)
               prefix=$2 ; shift ; shift
             # a quick check to see if any files were given
             # if none then its better not to do anything than rename 
             # some non-existent
             # files!!
               if [$1 = ]; then
                  echo "no files given"
                  exit 0

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Depth Field and Color Updates

So I was looking up depth of view photos and art pieces for an idea I had for an upcoming piece of work when I found this really cool actionscript work. I thought it was interesting and kooler yet how it was programmed in actionscript. Having done one very small thing in actionscript I would love to learn how to do this and expand upon my meager learnings of actionscript.


Also on the colorblind program I have hit a road block with masking out the green area and am working on fixing it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jaw drops! It hits the floor and rolls!

So I was going around on the internet and I found this amazing website, while it doesn't look while it is done (missing link, ect.) But this company looks to be straight out of awesome town, and has a long list of clients which means they are successful and rocking the website design world. I mean it even rocks an awesome little song how could you not like it?
